Enfield Saheli
Enfield Saheli offers support and advice to women in Enfield and neighbouring London boroughs. The charity is run by women for women, with special emphasis on support for Asian women of all ethnicity.
Website: www.enfieldsaheli.org
Woman’s Trust
Woman’s Trust is a specialist mental health charity, providing free counselling and therapy for women who have experienced domestic abuse.
Website: www.womanstrust.org.uk
Respect – Men’s Advice Line
The friendly Men’s Advice Line Advisors will believe you, offer you non-judgmental emotional support, practical advice and information.
Telephone: 0808 801 0327
Website: www.mensadviceline.org.uk
At Hestia they support adults and children in times of crisis. They deliver services across London and the surrounding regions, as well as campaign and advocate nationally on the issues that affect the people they work with.
Website: www.hestia.org
Enfield Women’s Centre
Enfield Women’s Centre (EWC) is a registered charity working for women and girls and their families in the borough of Enfield. If you are a woman or a girl who needs help, get in touch for confidential, non-judgemental support. Where they can’t help, they will help you find someone who can.
Telephone: 020 8443 1902
Website: www.enfieldwomen.org.uk
ManKind Initiative
ManKind’s confidential helpline is available for male victims of domestic abuse and male victims of domestic violence across the UK.
Telephone: 01823 334 244
Website: www.mankind.org.uk
Refuge provides specialist services to survivors of domestic abuse.
Telephone: 0808 2000 247
Website: www.refuge.org.uk